iPhoto Videos Don’t Work

Recently, I had the problem that videos on iPhoto wouldn’t play anymore on my Macbook pro (Snow Leopard 10.6.8). It took me quite a while to figure out the cause, so I thought i’d share my solution here.

Upgrade Quicktime

First, I uninstalled Quicktime by deleting it from the applications folder, and made sure I installed the latest version from here: Quicktime 7

This still didn’t fix the issue, but it’s probably still a good idea to make sure you’re runing the latest release.


Then I removed Perian, which I had installed a few months earlier. Perian is a collection of Quicktime components that add support for many popular video formats. I suspected that this may be causing the problem.

How to uninstall Perian

  1. Go to System preferences
  2. Click on Perian
  3. Click the uninstall button
  4. Go back to the system preferences overview page and right-click on Perian. Click on remove.
  5. Restart

When I restarted the Mac, the videos in iPhotos worked again. I don’t know why, but I think that the version of Perian I was running is what caused the issue. There might be other ways around it but I decided not to use Perian anymore and to simply install the codec components I needed manually instead.

Missing Codecs

I installed the XVid and DivX codec only, as they were the video formats I used primarily.

DivX can be installed from here.

And the XVid component can be downloaded from here. After the download, unpack and move the file to /Library/QuickTime.



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